

UniProtKB accession:  W0W999
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Go to UniProtKB:  W0W999
UniProtKB description:  Catalyzes the formation of a C-F bond by combining S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) and fluoride to generate 5'-fluoro-5'-deoxyadenosine (5'-FDA) and L-methionine (PubMed:24449539, PubMed:36996195). Can also catalyze the hydrolysis of SAM into adenosine and L-methionine, and halogenation of SAM with chloride to generate 5'-chloro-5'-deoxyadenosine (5'-CIDA) and L-methionine (PubMed:36996195). In vitro, in the presence of L-methionine, can catalyze the two-step conversion of the non-native substrate 5'-CIDA into 5'-FDA, via the intermediate SAM (PubMed:27739177).
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