
GATOR2 complex protein WDR59

UniProtKB accession:  Q6PJI9
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UniProtKB description:  As a component of the GATOR2 complex, functions as an activator of the amino acid-sensing branch of the mTORC1 signaling pathway (PubMed:25457612, PubMed:23723238, PubMed:27487210, PubMed:36528027, PubMed:36577058, PubMed:35831510). The GATOR2 complex indirectly activates mTORC1 through the inhibition of the GATOR1 subcomplex (PubMed:23723238, PubMed:27487210, PubMed:36528027, PubMed:35831510). GATOR2 probably acts as an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase toward GATOR1 (PubMed:36528027). In the presence of abundant amino acids, the GATOR2 complex mediates ubiquitination of the NPRL2 core component of the GATOR1 complex, leading to GATOR1 inactivation (PubMed:36528027). In the absence of amino acids, GATOR2 is inhibited, activating the GATOR1 complex (PubMed:25457612, PubMed:27487210).
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