
Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 8-like protein 2

UniProtKB accession:  Q6P589
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q6P589
UniProtKB description:  Acts as a negative regulator of innate and adaptive immunity by maintaining immune homeostasis (PubMed:27043859). Plays a regulatory role in the Toll-like signaling pathway by determining the strength of LPS-induced signaling and gene expression (PubMed:32188758). Inhibits TCR-mediated T-cell activation and negatively regulate T-cell function to prevent hyperresponsiveness (By similarity). Inhibits also autolysosome formation via negatively modulating MTOR activation by interacting with RAC1 and promoting the disassociation of the RAC1-MTOR complex (PubMed:32460619). Plays an essential role in NK-cell biology by acting as a checkpoint and displaying an expression pattern correlating with NK-cell maturation process and by negatively regulating NK-cell maturation and antitumor immunity (By similarity). Mechanistically, suppresses IL-15-triggered mTOR activity in NK-cells (By similarity).
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