
Calmodulin-dependent glutamylase SidJ

UniProtKB accession:  Q5ZTK6
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UniProtKB description:  Glutamylase that mediates the covalent attachment of glutamate moieties to SdeA on one of the catalytic residues that is required for its mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase activity (PubMed:31330531, PubMed:31330532). In turn, inhibits SdeA ubiquitinating activity. Glutamylates also related SdeB, SdeC and SidE (PubMed:31123136, PubMed:31330531). Glutamylase activity only occurs in the host since it requires host calmodulin (PubMed:28497808, PubMed:31123136, PubMed:31330531, PubMed:31330532). May also reverse the SdeA-mediated substrate ubiquitination by cleaving the phosphodiester bond that links phosphoribosylated ubiquitin to protein substrates via its deubiquitinase activity (PubMed:28497808).
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