

UniProtKB accession:  Q5T4F4
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q5T4F4
UniProtKB description:  Key regulator of RAB11-dependent vesicular trafficking during neurite extension through polarized membrane transport (PubMed:17082457). Promotes axonal elongation and contributes to the establishment of neuronal cell polarity (By similarity). Involved in nerve growth factor-induced neurite formation in VAPA-dependent manner (PubMed:19289470). Contributes to both the formation and stabilization of the tubular ER network (PubMed:24668814). Involved in ER morphogenesis by regulating the sheet-to-tubule balance and possibly the density of tubule interconnections (PubMed:23969831). Acts as an adapter protein and facilitates the interaction of KIF5A with VAPA, VAPB, SURF4, RAB11A, RAB11B and RTN3 and the ZFYVE27-KIF5A complex contributes to the transport of these proteins in neurons. Can induce formation of neurite-like membrane protrusions in non-neuronal cells in a KIF5A/B-dependent manner (PubMed:21976701).
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