
Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit beta-1

UniProtKB accession:  Q02641
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UniProtKB description:  Regulatory subunit of L-type calcium channels (PubMed:1309651, PubMed:15615847, PubMed:8107964). Regulates the activity of L-type calcium channels that contain CACNA1A as pore-forming subunit (By similarity). Regulates the activity of L-type calcium channels that contain CACNA1C as pore-forming subunit and increases the presence of the channel complex at the cell membrane (PubMed:15615847). Required for functional expression L-type calcium channels that contain CACNA1D as pore-forming subunit (PubMed:1309651). Regulates the activity of L-type calcium channels that contain CACNA1B as pore-forming subunit (PubMed:8107964).
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