
Solute carrier family 12 member 2

UniProtKB accession:  P55011
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
Group Content:  
Go to UniProtKB:  P55011
UniProtKB description:  Cation-chloride cotransporter which mediates the electroneutral transport of chloride, potassium and/or sodium ions across the membrane (PubMed:16669787, PubMed:32081947, PubMed:32294086, PubMed:33597714, PubMed:7629105). Plays a vital role in the regulation of ionic balance and cell volume (PubMed:16669787, PubMed:32081947, PubMed:32294086, PubMed:7629105).
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Structure Features

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Experimental Features


Protein Domains
