
Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1

UniProtKB accession:  P11279
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Go to UniProtKB:  P11279
UniProtKB description:  Lysosomal membrane glycoprotein which plays an important role in lysosome biogenesis, lysosomal pH regulation, autophagy and cholesterol homeostasis (PubMed:37390818). Acts as an important regulator of lysosomal lumen pH regulation by acting as a direct inhibitor of the proton channel TMEM175, facilitating lysosomal acidification for optimal hydrolase activity (PubMed:37390818). Also plays an important role in NK-cells cytotoxicity (PubMed:2022921, PubMed:23632890). Mechanistically, participates in cytotoxic granule movement to the cell surface and perforin trafficking to the lytic granule (PubMed:23632890). In addition, protects NK-cells from degranulation-associated damage induced by their own cytotoxic granule content (PubMed:23847195). Presents carbohydrate ligands to selectins (PubMed:7685349).
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