
DNA-binding protein H-NS

UniProtKB accession:  P0A1S2
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UniProtKB description:  Acts as a global transcriptional repressor and binds to the minor groove of AT-rich DNA (PubMed:10844682, PubMed:1423593, PubMed:16933988, PubMed:17630976, PubMed:21059643, PubMed:21673140). Silences genes by altering DNA topology; in magnesium concentrations equivalent to inside Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCV) it forms rigid and elongated filaments on the DNA, and in higher magnesium conditions it causes DNA bridging/folding (PubMed:1423593, PubMed:21059643, PubMed:26880544). Has a strong preference for DNA that has been recently acquired by horizontal gene transfer, binding strongly to Salmonella pathogenicity islands 1 and 2 (SPI1 and SPI2); this offers the selective advantage of silencing foreign DNA while keeping it in the genome in case of need (PubMed:16933988, PubMed:21059643). Represses the expression of master biofilm regulator csgD (PubMed:26880544). Binds 746 genes, about half of which show no change in expression in disruption experiments suggesting these sites are important for nucleoid structure (PubMed:16933988). For the proU locus (the proV-proW-proX operon) inhibits transcription at low osmolarity by binding to AT-rich, curved, DNA downstream of the transcription start site of proV; repression is greater when more than 1 curved DNA sequence is present (PubMed:1423593). It plays a role in the thermal control of pili production (By similarity). It is subject to transcriptional auto-repression (By similarity). It binds preferentially to the upstream region of its own gene recognizing two segments of DNA on both sides of a bend centered around -150 (By similarity). Binds tightly to dsDNA (PubMed:10844682).
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