
Crystal structure of human KAP-beta2 bound to the NLS of Saccharomyces cerevisiae NAB2

  • Deposited: 2012-09-10 Released: 2013-01-02 
  • Deposition Author(s): Sampathkumar, P., Soniat, M., Gizzi, A., Collett, G., Banu, N., Bhosle, R., Chamala, S., Chowdhury, S., Fiser, A., Glenn, A.S., Hammonds, J., Hillerich, B., Khafizov, K., Love, J.D., Matikainen, B., Seidel, R., Toro, R., Kumar, P.R., Bonanno, J., Rout, M.P., Chook, Y.M., Almo, S.C., New York Structural Genomics Research Consortium (NYSGRC), Nucleocytoplasmic Transport,  a Target for Cellular Control (NPCXstals)
  • Entry 4H1K was removed from the distribution of released PDB entries (status Obsolete) on 2013-04-03.
  • It has been replaced (superseded) by 4JLQ.