The structure of a 1.8 MDa viral genome injection device suggests alternative infection mechanisms

  • Deposited: 2012-02-01 Released: 2012-05-30 
  • Deposition Author(s): Veesler, D., Spinelli, S., Mahony, J., Lichiere, J., Blangy, S., Bricogne, G., Legrand, P., Ortiz-Lombardia, M., Campanacci, V., van Sinderen, D., Cambillau, C.
  • Entry 4DIW was removed from the distribution of released PDB entries (status Obsolete) on 2014-12-10.
  • It has been replaced (superseded) by 4V96.
  • Details: This entry with other split entries have been consolidated into a combined file for complete representation. No coordinates have been changed.